Bay Islands

When is Roatan's Lobster Season?

Demand for lobster is high, and the restaurants will continue to serve illegal lobster as long as patrons continue to request it. It's our responsibility as visitors to encourage responsible and sustainable seafood consumption so that local providers providers will follow suit, benefiting both the environment and the local economy.

The Bay Islands Responsible Seafood Guide

Whenever you visit somewhere new (or even at home), it's important to think about responsible consumption when you're making your dining choices. The Bay Islands developed a helpful visual guide to point out which fish in these waters that are the best options and which are ones that should be avoided. Have a look before you dig in!  

Bay Islands Lionfish Spearing License

As a marine reserve, it's illegal to spearfish in the Roatan Marine Park. Lionfish are the exception, since they have no natural predators in the Americas and their venomous spines provide a strong defense against potential predators.

Should I buy a Roatan Marine Park yearly bracelet?

Short answer: Yes. Yes you should.


Oh, you wanted a long answer? Read on!